Final projects: ECE 307 Winter, 2019

We just finished our last day of class – can’t believe the semester is already over!  I’m in major grading mode right now.  Final course reflections and research projects have all been turned in.  I’m getting really good feedback from my students about the course – giving me some great ideas to employ in future classes if and when I get to teach this particular course again.  Final projects were by and large very impressive.  Some of my students produced work worthy of revisions for publication.  Nearly all of the submitted projects would be great additions to the undergraduate research symposium next year.

The final project was designed to give students the opportunity to investigate an aspect of diverse children, families and communities in greater depth.  In addition to choosing their specific topic, students were also able to choose whether to complete a full research paper, or a parsed down paper with an associated creative project.  Many of my students chose the creative project and gave me permission to share them here.  They produced great resources that they will be able to utilize once they begin their ECE careers.

Here is an overview of the assignment itself:

The following are links to the creative projects associated with final research papers:

Dual Language Learning

Finding and Resolving Conflict

Teaching Diversity

The Importance of Diversity in the Classroom

Early Childhood Education

School to Prison Pipeline

ECE Advocacy

Families in Need

ECE Policy in the US



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